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Writer's pictureKyle Visin

Is Heart Rate training the most effective way to train?

Training by Heart Rate can be an effective way to train, however if HR is the only thing you are looking at, you are only looking at a small piece of the overall picture. Let me explain: 

Heart Rate can be thought of as Input – how hard you are trying. The harder you work and the more effort you give, the higher your HR will go. 

Your pace (how fast you are going) can be thought of as your Output. Two people with different abilities might have to work at different efforts to achieve the same pace or speed (Output). 

Said differently, two people working at their limit for 5 minutes may have the same Heart Rate (input) but produce very different paces (output). 

So what is the most effective way to train? Let’s look at an example: 

If you were to run a 5k, most people would agree you should try and run at a steady pace for the entire race to produce the best results. And they would be right! If you run at a consistent pace, your heart rate will gradually increase over the course of the race.

A not-so-great strategy would be to sprint at the beginning until your heart rate reaches a certain amount of beats per minute and just hold a steady heart rate as you slow down over the course of the race. Not only does it not feel good to slow down and “tank” at the end, but you are not going to produce your best result. 

In summary: The best way to train is by Pace (Output) while monitoring your Heart Rate (Input). Both are important, but your heart rate doesn’t mean much without knowing what pace you are going. 

This is exactly how we train at RiseUp Fitness! Each workout gives every member an individualized pace goal based on ability and fitness level. Newer members start slower and advanced members go faster. We then use a MyZone fitness tracker to monitor heart rate and give feedback. 

This is how you will see the most improvements in your health and fitness! 

If you’re looking to purchase a MyZone fitness tracker, let us know. We sell them for a discounted price in the studio. 

If you have yet to experience RiseUp Fitness and want to come try out a class for free, you can book one here.

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